Thursday, 4 October 2007

story board 1 for project A, B and C

The mountain just like a maze, he couldn't find the entrance. But he wouldn't give it up to meet his lover.

Finally he entered the mountain and meet with his lover, suddenly ,the whole world has been change.

The mountain change the dark rough texture to the white smooth transparncy texture. It is amazing to see the bubbles and the rocks are getting together which becoming a new fascinating object. The object includes two spirits,they are happy for ever.(showing the project A finial video)

one heart means the stage 1
There is a mysterious telepathy occurs between the bubbles and the rocks

The bubbles try to agglomerate the form of the flower to get the rocks attention and the rocks translates the shape of a beautiful girl to responses him

For seeking a passional affection, the bubbles flied away from the lake.He knows she is waiting for him in the mountain.

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