Sunday, 26 August 2007

develop pattern

The pattern shows here is about two voice in one song. The symbol I use for the person who sing the alt tones is hollow circle.The shadow circle I use for the person who sing the bass tones. They sing separate
melody, but they always goes a part of same melody which made the song is more richness, and uniform.

Ths one is about some rhythm is fluid and calm. When you hear more times of the song you know more about the song. The sentence of the song is just like a circle, beginning is ending, ending is another beginning. The whole song is based on layers of rhythm circles. They connected with each other.

I combined some characteristics of the patterns and make them more detail.

First one is about crystal music.The sound is clear,like rain drop on the ground. Different size rounds mean different length of syllable. Light colour also means light tone, contrarily, dark colour means heavy tone.

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