Sunday, 22 July 2007

mental image

What's mental image?A mental image is a term used in psychology, philosophy, and communication studies to describe the representation of an idea in a person's mind.(Shepard,R.2007).For example,when you read a book, actually , you will "see" the mental pictures of something happening in your brain. In Shepard basic thesis was, our brain is like a computer which records variety of information.Especially our childhood experiences influence mental images a lot that we make in later life.(Shepard, R.2007).

My idea is about how to working with the layers, space, background and models to build some special mental image. We each have a different experience in our life, so we got inequable feeling about our mental image. There are 1,000 people listening to a teller and they are all creating slightly different images in their minds.

The point for me is to create a model which you might do not understand when you play it with hands. But if you using different direction light to give the shadow of the object, you will get impressive mental image...

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